Short Term Lets - An expose' on starting out in Short Term Letting, PLEASE NOTE WE HAVE A CHANGE OF PRESENTATION FOR FEBRUARY due to postponement.
Ever considered getting into short term letting or want to check out another investment option. Come along for our presentation which will include B&Bs, Room by Room, Back packers, Seasonal workers and short term lets. 27-02-2019 more >>
November End of Year Speaker Event 100,000 KiwiBuild "Affordable Homes" In ten years - The way foreward with Mr Mark Holman, Director of FirstBuild Ltd. 28-11-2018 more >>
Mr Ron Goodwin - Auckland Property Investor Come along to learn from a property guru who has accumulated a portfolio of 40 properties. Ron has lots of great tips and advice about running long term rentals. 26-09-2018 more >>
Dr David Wilson Dr David Wilson is the chief executive of Northland's Economic Development Agency, Northland Inc, and Chair of Economic Development NZ. 29-08-2018 more >>
Members networking night Calling all our new members to meet up and discuss investing strategies. We will not be inviting a formal speaker along this month however we will be hearing from our members in a question and answer forum. Please bring along your best questions, experiences and advice. 25-07-2018 more >>
Members networking night Another great members networking night. Join us for discussion about building your property portfolio. 25-07-2018 more >>
Mr Daryl Fisher - Waikato Investor presents his investment formula. NPIA Present Mr Daryl Fisher from Waikato. Daryl will not only be presenting on Wednesday evening, he will be available for a breakfast meetup at the Distinction Hotel. Members welcome, details will be available in the next newsletter. 27-09-2017 more >>
Renting & You Seminar - Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment Representatives from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Tenancy Services will be discussing the recent changes to the RTA to help make sure properties are compliant with the law. Please book your seat on the link below. 30-08-2017 more >>
Northland Property Investors Assn Speaker for 29th of March 2017 Station Officer. Fire Risk Management. Specialist Fire Investigator. Whangarei- Kaipara Area New Zealand Fire Service will be speaking about risks for landlords and Property Managers in Northland and how to mitigate the risk. 29-03-2017 more >>